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Making Notes


SAI delivers customized solutions in the field of international trade negotiations, policymaking, implementation, and trade law

Since 2009, serving as “in-house”, customized, advisory and technical support to developing countries including LDCs, ACP,  and emerging economies before the WTO.  The SAI team delivers customized solutions in the field of international trade negotiations, convergence building,  policy making, implementation, and trade law. SAI outputs hone negotiating skills through bottom-up innovative, demand driven approaches, and as well as delivery of strategic advisory services to build skills, know-how, and capacity.  SAI teams have delivered technical notes, analysis and drafting for developing countries and LDCs in WTO negotiations including fisheries subsidies, earlier negotiations on NAMA, non-tariff barriers, environmental goods and services negotiations, and WTO deliberations on e-Commerce, services, agriculture, all relevant WTO bodies, at Ministerial Conferences, and other formats. In addition, SAI has assisted developing and least developed countries in delivering over 100 text submissions to the WTO. 

Our team includes over 15 resident and global independent experts providing specialized experienced evidence-based advice, technical materials, assistance drafting submissions toward convergence, tracking, and analysis, on a number of trade issues and negotiating platforms including WTO rules, services trade, electronic commerce/digital trade, agriculture, industrial goods, fisheries regimes and subsidies, standards, environmental goods and services, trade measures, specific trade concerns, WTO accession, Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights, Trade Facilitation Agreement, regional and bilateral trade agreements, tracking joint statement initiatives; and deliberations in WTO bodies. As well as following regular WTO meetings, SAI experts have also tracked the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) meetings for selected delegations.


SAI places a premium on fostering and enriching relationships in trade rule negotiations, deliberations, and implementation. The team has provided several years of strategic advisory services to countries in the process of WTO accession.  SAI provides support to the ACP Group and the Least Developed Countries Group to  foster engagement and enable internal deliberations on fast moving negotiating and interventions on different files. In addition, SAI has supported the groups in identifying key challenges and opportunities on several areas to advance their priorities and participation in trade and in the WTO.  


SAI also conducts training through real time negotiations, real-life negotiation models, round-tables, seminars, workshops, webinars, brainstorming and other expert topical platforms, and working meetings.


SAI partners and collaborates with international organizations and enterprises delivering development trade support.

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